Display All Products of a Category in Magento

Learn how you display products by specifying category ID on CMS page or Static block.


{{block type="catalog/product_list" category_id="ID" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}

What is type=”catalog/product_list”?

The catalog stands for Magento core module Mage_Catalog and product_list is path to our block, this will turns to Block_Product_List. So when added, we get Mage_Catalog_Product_List. Now this block is used to show product lists in Magento. Each blocks in Magento do different kind of jobs.

What is category_id=”2″?

You can choose what category to be shown on the template by specifying the category ID.


What is template=”catalog/product/list.phtml”?

This is the template to be applied on how you will display the products. The default template is located on this path